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Establish Routines In Your Life


One of the common habits of successful people, successful entrepreneurs, and successful business leaders is that they have systems and routines in their lives. Last week, we talked about setting goals. To achieve those goals personally and in your business, you have to have consistency with those positive habits and routines that will get you there. 

A lot of little detail practices done consistently over time will have a huge impact with your success.    Ask yourself or your team, “What are the consistent routines, detail behaviors, disciplines, or systems do we need to be doing consistently… in order to create forward progress to our goals?”  “What are the consistent routines, detail behaviors, disciplines, or systems we need to establish… in order to set us up for the comeback?


Pete has a rotation of 60 inspirational  “Second Wind Radio –  Spirit of the Comeback” messages. Mike Gilland (The Shepherd Radio – Radio Station Operations Manager) has graciously given Pete the opportunity to record these messages at THE SHEPHERD RADIO. These messages now air on the radio and the segments are called “FOR THE WIN!” The messages will broadcast on the following “The Shepherd Network” radio stations:

Orlando – 1270 AM

Ocala/The Villages – 720 AM  and 103.5 FM

Gainesville – 1430 AM and 96.3 FM
