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Creating and Developing Certainty


I define confidence as having the absolute certainty that something will happen in our performance. With whatever you are trying to achieve as an individual or as a team….Identify a plan to make it happen. What knowledge, skills and habits need to be developed to achieve the business target? Yes, we operate in a world where there will always be things we don’t control.  

But as you elevate your knowledge, skills and habits you are elevating the odds more towards certainty. When I am training first time marathoners, I tell them as you complete the training program mileage along with developing other good habits for distance running…you are raising the level of certainty, that you will finish your first marathon…and we have a 100% finish rate!! Put yourself in such a position that there are overwhelming odds you will succeed…have that certainty for the spirit of the comeback!


Pete has a rotation of 60 inspirational  “Second Wind Radio –  Spirit of the Comeback” messages. Mike Gilland (The Shepherd Radio – Radio Station Operations Manager) has graciously given Pete the opportunity to record these messages at THE SHEPHERD RADIO. These messages now air on the radio and the segments are called “FOR THE WIN!” The messages will broadcast on the following “The Shepherd Network” radio stations:

Orlando – 1270 AM

Ocala/The Villages – 720 AM  and 103.5 FM

Gainesville – 1430 AM and 96.3 FM
