Now booking 2024 and 2025 speaking engagements

Your Inner Voice


Do you realize you talk to yourself? It is true! You and I have an inner voice. Some experts say we have thousands of conversations with ourselves, everyday! Sometimes our inner voice will say: Can I really do this? Can I really lead this team? Can I really speak in front of an audience?  Can I turn this company around? Can I really learn that new language?  Can I really run a marathon? Can I really have a successful business? We need to answers these questions …YES! Answer in the affirmative. We are responding in our minds with healthy confidence that we are worthy of taking on this challenge!  You were designed for this challenge. Speak it in your inner voice. Declare it in your inner voice. Can we really make the comeback? YES WE CAN!!!


Pete has a rotation of 60 inspirational  “Second Wind Radio –  Spirit of the Comeback” messages. Mike Gilland (The Shepherd Radio – Radio Station Operations Manager) has graciously given Pete the opportunity to record these messages at THE SHEPHERD RADIO. These messages now air on the radio and the segments are called “FOR THE WIN!” The messages will broadcast on the following “The Shepherd Network” radio stations:

Orlando – 1270 AM

Ocala/The Villages – 720 AM  and 103.5 FM

Gainesville – 1430 AM and 96.3 FM
