Now booking 2025 and 2026 speaking engagements

Those Who Overcame


This person was sent home from drama school with a note stating she was too shy to put her best foot forward. Who was this person? Lucille Ball. This music group was told back 60’s by Decaa Records. ‘We don’t like their sound, and we think guitar music is on the way out. Who was the group? The Beatles! This person’s fiancée died, he failed in business twice and lost 8 times in public elections…this person? Abraham Lincoln.

This athlete was cut from his High school basketball team, he went home discouraged, locked himself in his room, and cried on his pillow!….this person? Michael Jordan. This person was fired from a newspaper because they said he lacked, creativity, imagination, and original ideas….this person? Walt Disney. All of these folks encountered set-backs, obstacles, and failures…but they still came back and made their dream happen. Draw strength and energy from those who overcame to fuel your spirit of the comeback!


Pete has a rotation of 60 inspirational  “Second Wind Radio –  Spirit of the Comeback” messages. Mike Gilland (The Shepherd Radio – Radio Station Operations Manager) has graciously given Pete the opportunity to record these messages at THE SHEPHERD RADIO. These messages now air on the radio and the segments are called “FOR THE WIN!” The messages will broadcast on the following “The Shepherd Network” radio stations:

Orlando – 1270 AM

Ocala/The Villages – 720 AM  and 103.5 FM

Gainesville – 1430 AM and 96.3 FM
