Last week, we talked about service to others that bring back life! You know that when we serve others you feel good…the team can feel better! I remember when I was in a job where about once a quarter our training team would take a half day on a Friday afternoon to do a service project. We would give our time and resources to a local non-profit organization.
We would all work will hard doing whatever the organization needed done. At the end of the day we were tired but we were all feeling good…..more than good we were energized! Or even on Monday the talk was about how “cool” it was to help out that organization. When you help others you feel good, you feel good about contributing your time and talent to others who may be less fortunate. It is things like this that get a team out of the doldrums and back to the energy again!
Pete has a rotation of 60 inspirational “Second Wind Radio – Spirit of the Comeback” messages. Mike Gilland (The Shepherd Radio – Radio Station Operations Manager) has graciously given Pete the opportunity to record these messages at THE SHEPHERD RADIO. These messages now air on the radio and the segments are called “FOR THE WIN!” The messages will broadcast on the following “The Shepherd Network” radio stations:
Orlando – 1270 AM
Ocala/The Villages – 720 AM and 103.5 FM
Gainesville – 1430 AM and 96.3 FM